Blame game over Kericho accident that killed 55 people

The Kericho accident that claimed 55 lives is now being blamed on alleged corruption among traffic police officers, negligence and disregard for the law.
A statement from the Kenya Driving Schools Association questioned how the bus managed to pass police road blocks without being flagged down for overloading.
National Chairman John Mwatha also cited a reportedly expired certificate of insurance.
According to Mwatha, it is possible that either the bus driver or his conductor must have parted with bribes to pass through police road blocks all the way from Nairobi.
He also accused the Sacco under which the bus is licensed of failing in its obligation to ensure the bus had a proper operating license and certificate of insurance.
The association boss regretted allegations that the driver may have fallen asleep on the wheel; he challenged Public Service Vehicle (PSV) saccos to ensure that they have shifts for drivers to prevent exhaustion.
He further reiterated the mandatory eight-year driving experience requirement under the new curriculum be adhered to adding that the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) can help reduce similar incidents in future.
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