DP Ruto rubbishes opinion polls, asks Uhuru to stop meddling with succession

Deputy President and Kenya Kwanza presidential candidate William Ruto has implored Kenyans to maintain peace and shun divisive leaders as he carried out his campaigns in parts of Trans Nzoia, Bungoma and Busia counties.

As he criticised the opinion polls that have placed his main challenger above him in popularity, the DP hit out at his boss President Uhuru Kenyatta, once again telling him to stop meddling in the succession race and allow him to face Raila Odinga head on.

“Nimeambia Uhuru Kenyatta sishindani na wewe na hata siombi kura yako, wewe kaa kando wachia mimi Raila nimelizane na yeye…ata kama anataka amsupport kutoka huko nyuma…huyu mtu tutammalizia asubuhi,” said DP Ruto on Tuesday.

The Kenya Kwanza leaders claimed the opinion polls that have since placed Odinga ahead in popularity were doctored to favour him and lay ground for their opponents to challenge the outcome of the election if they lost.

“Hii opinion poll mnatengeneza ya ukora ili mkatae mambo ya uchaguzi tukiwashinda, ati ndio mambo ya handshake iendelee Kenya hii, tunawaambia tutawamalizia asubuhi na mapema,” stated the DP.

Kenya Kwanza co-principal Moses Wetangula said: “Out of over 22 million plus votes, wamefanya sampling ya elfu mbili…that cannot be a sample that is representative of any factual situation…na sisi tunasema opinion poll or no opinion poll, Raila tunaenda kumshinda asubuhi na mapema.”

With 27 days to the August polls, and with the campaigns having already raised political temperatures, Ruto assured Kenyans of a peaceful transition.

“Tunataka uchaguzi wa amani, hatutaki vurugu, hatutaki fujo, hatutaki matusi, tunataka uchaguzi wa amani kwa sababu tunaamini kwa mambo ya democrasia,” he said.

In Kitale, Trans Nzoia County, the DP waded into the issue of the controversial ADC land which squatters have since invaded.

“Hapa Kitale wale wanaishi hapa tutadegazette, tutawapatia title deeds na mtaishi hapa…siku mtatoka hapa ni kuenda mbinguni pekee yake. Tutanunua ekari milioni moja ili tuhakikishe wale wote ambao ni masquatter tuwatafutie mahali pa kuishi kutumia pesa ya seikali,” said Ruto.

The Kenya Kwanza campaigns move to Kakamega, Vihiga, Nyamira, Kisii and Migori counties on Wednesday. 


Citizen Digital President Uhuru Kenyatta Raila Odinga DP William Ruto Succession Citizen TV Kenya

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