EACC summons Kitui East MP Nimrod Mbai for assaulting Kenya Power employee

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has summoned Kitui East Member of Parliament Nimrod Mbai who was caught on camera slapping a Kenya Power engineer.

Speaking at the commemoration of the African Anti-Corruption Day at the Nairobi University on Tuesday, EACC CEO Twalib Mbarak blamed the public for electing leaders with questionable integrity issues.

"70 per cent of Kenyans, are below 35 years but if you believe that the right way is to vote in a leader who chases power officials with a gun when they come to disconnect illegal connections, then the problem is not that person; the problem is you," said Mbarak.

"We are the ones who vote in very funny characters and then we make noise. Most of those Governors who serve two terms have many issues with EACC but if you look at how they came in, the society loved them because they were quasi-crooks."

Judge Emeritus Aaron Ringera, on his part, said the fight against corruption in the country requires concerted efforts, calling on members of the public to take the lead role.

"All public officials should be subjected to periodic integrity vetting to determine their suitability to continue serving. I am saddened to note that there are currently two Bills proposed in the National Assembly which will, if enacted into law, weaken an already fragile framework." he said.

"The two Bills seek to repeal critical provisions of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act 2003."

Mbai made headlines last week after he was captured in a now-viral video hurling insults at Kenya Power officers before repeatedly slapping one of them during the incident which took place on Monday.

Mbai likewise reached for and attempted to draw his gun during his fit of rage.

The Kenya Power officials claim that the MP had erected an illegal power line at the premises spanning more than a kilometre.

A senior official at the company recently told Citizen Digital that the illegal power line was dangerous since it was overloading a nearby power transformer.


Citizen Digital EACC KPLC Twalib Mbarak Citizen TV Kenya Nimrod Mbai

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