Gov't to employ 25k more teachers, 11k community health promoters - President Ruto

Gov't to employ 25k more teachers, 11k community health promoters - President Ruto

President William Ruto. Photo I PCS

President William Ruto has announced that the government will commit to employing 25,000 teachers and deploying 11,000 community health promoters across Kenya.

Speaking at a church service on Sunday in Molo, Nakuru County, the president said the additional teachers will supplement the 35,000 who were employed this year.

“For the first time, the government has employed 35,000 teachers this year; no other government has employed such a number of teachers other than this government. This year before August, we will employ an additional 25,000 teachers so that every child in Kenya gets the opportunity to go to school,” the president said.

“It is imperative that we educate our young children, the biggest resource we have in Kenya is our children and the only way to ensure equality between the children from poor and rich backgrounds is through education,” he added.

Highlighting the matter of health, Ruto said the government will fund 11,000 community health promoters so that the delivery of health services will begin at the community level.

He further said that a total of 100 households will be attended by one community health promoter.

The community health promoter will be responsible for treating minor ailments to reduce congestion at referrals hospitals for patients seeking treatment for minor health issues.

“We have said health treatment will begin at the community level. Before you even go to the hospital, a community health promoter will be available in your community. We will fund 11,000 community health promoters across Kenya,” Ruto said.

He added that 3,600 community health promoters will be available in Nakuru and they will be paid by both the county and national government.

The president also said that the national government has set aside Ksh.110 million to pay the community health promoters across Kenya and urged the county governments to plan out their figures too.

He further added that the government will provide the necessary equipment to facilitate the community health promoters to do their job.


Citizen TV William Ruto Citizen Digital

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