Interior CS Kithure Kindiki declares crackdown on Nairobi muggers

Interior CS Kithure Kindiki declares crackdown on Nairobi muggers

Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof Kithure Kindiki addressing the media on November 14, 2022.

The Government has declared an all-out war on gangs of muggers and other violent crimes in Nairobi and a new police team deployed to the County.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof Kithure Kindiki said the Government was aware of the public outcry following reported cases of insecurity and was determined to act decisively to rid Nairobi and other towns of criminal gangs.

“We have witnessed increasing criminal activities within the city of Nairobi. Small groups of criminals armed with knives and other weapons are terrorizing the citizens of this city as well as a few other urban centres,” said Prof. Kindiki.

He said a new command structure that also incorporates officers from other security agencies is under firm instructions to swiftly put an end to muggings and other violent crimes in Nairobi that are mostly waged by knife-wielding thugs.

“The leadership and the command of the police has changed the command of Nairobi city police deployment effective immediately. The NPS has also put in a place in a multiagency, multi-disciplined response to this problem and to get these errant sons – and maybe a few daughters to get out of the streets and put them where criminals belong.”

He said the Government was determined to restore public safety in the streets of Nairobi and vowed to take the fight to the criminals.

“Those boys who have dared the government and want to tell us that they can take over the city and make it a center of crime, we’ve heard also heard you and therefore we are coming effective immediately,” said the CS.

To ensure police officers are adequately incentivized for their difficult and often risky assignments, the CS promised that a comprehensive review of the salaries and the terms and conditions of all security officers will be undertaken.

“Shortly the government will initiate a process of engagement with a view to relooking at the terms and conditions that our officers serve under while taking into cognizance that for a very long term now, the terms and conditions of our officers serve have not been reviewed with a view to adjusting them to the cost of living,” said Kindiki.

The CS also had a similar message for cattle rustlers and bandits who are active in the North Rift saying the Government will expand its crackdown to include those abetting the crimes including financiers, spiritual leaders and traders in stolen animals.

He said the Government regarded the menace that is rampant in Turkana, West Pokot, Baringo, Samburu, Elgeyo Marakwet and Laikipia among other counties to have since evolved beyond a cultural practice.

“Banditry has assumed not just an economic dimension but it continues to take new dimensions. It is increasingly appearing what is happening in the northern part of this county could very easily constitute crimes against humanity,” said the CS.

He promised that the Government will deal firmly with criminals who have dared President William Ruto following his warning that his government would no longer tolerate cattle rustling. But the CS said the fight against criminals will be waged within the applicable laws and that the Government will stand by its officers as long as they acted within the prescribed code of conduct while discharging a valid mandate.

“We are going to go to their hideouts to look for the criminal to do to them what the law says we do to the criminals in accordance with the law of our country and all other applicable international laws,” he said.


Kithure Kindiki

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