Nairobi MCAs move to court to block probe by EACC

Nairobi MCAs move to court to block probe by EACC

13 Members of the Nairobi County Assembly have moved to court seeking to have the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) stopped from investigating them over their behaviour while at the chambers of the County Assembly.

Through Lawyer Willis Otieno, the 13 MCAs argue that the commission has informed them of its decision to investigate them for their conduct while in the chambers of the Nairobi City County Assembly and further summoned them to appear before the commission.

They further argue that commission has through various notices summoned them to appear before it on various dates for purposes of investigations and to record statements on their conduct before the Nairobi City County Assembly on September 29 this year.

According to the MCAs, the decision to investigate them pose a serious governance challenge and amounts to an affront to the independence of the Nairobi City County Assembly as the principal oversight body in the political and governance structure in devolved governance in Nairobi City County and the malady should be arrested expeditiously by the court through the expeditious hearing of the application.

The Nairobi MCA’s claim they enjoy immunity from any civil or criminal proceedings for anything said or done while in the precincts of the chambers and in such the action by the commission is manifestly illegal and ought to be attended at the earliest opportunity before it escalates.

In their court papers, the MCAs argue that Public resources and time should not be utilized in the pursuit of an illegality and it is, therefore, necessary that the application is heard to avoid wastage of public funds and resources by the commission.

They want the court to issue orders to suspend the commission and the state from proceedings with any investigations of the MCA’s arising from proceedings before the Nairobi City County Assembly.

The 13 are; Elizabeth Manyala, Florence Atembo, Tabitha Ndigirigi, Rose Kula, Daniel Oria, Alexina Moody, Peter Owera, Gari Maurice, Joyce Bocha, Catherine Opiyo, Wilfred Odallo, Ken Ngondi and Peter Imwatok.


Elizabeth Manyala Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission Peter Imwatok. 13 NAIROBI MCA’s Alexina Moody Catherine Opiyo court papers Daniel Oria Florence Atembo Gari Maurice Joyce Bocha Ken Ngondi Nairobi City County Assembly Petwer Owera Rose Kula Tabitha Ndigirigi Wilfred Odallo

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