Raila revives 'Firimbi movement' as campaigns enter homestretch

Raila revives 'Firimbi movement' as campaigns enter homestretch

Raila Odinga blowing a whistle during a campaign in Bukhungu stadium on August, 4 2022

With only four days left to the General Election, the Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya presidential flagbearer Raila Odinga has revived what was once a famed movement during his campaigns; the Firimbi Movement.

During a grand rally at the Bukhungu stadium in Kakamega on Wednesday, Raila said that the movement is a rallying call for his supporters to turn out in large numbers and vote for him,  together with his deputy Martha Karua.

The 'Firimbi movement' concept is derived from the Swahili name for whistle. 

Raila divulged that a whistle is used to prompt a team of people to action and using it in his final call to his supporters will act as a cue to rally a large voter turnout during the polls.

"I want to hear an announcement after the elections that Baba and Mama are leading against Ruto and his deputy. Today I am launching a new chapter called the Firimbi movement," Raila told the crowd.

"There are two instances where a whistle is blown, one is to wake people up so that they go and vote and another one to chase away thieves," he said as he subsequently illustrated the whistle blows.

He further cautioned Kenyans against voting for his top rival William Ruto, claiming that they will be opening doors to a graft-centered government.

Raila argued that he is the best candidate to succeed incumbent President Kenyatta as his government will be seeking to bring reforms to the nation.

"We have five days left, please vote for us because a vote for Azimio is a vote for liberation as opposed to a vote to Kenya Kwanza which will be one to endorse graft," said Raila.

Raila used the Firimibi Movement slogan during the 2017 political campaigns while contesting for the presidential seat under an Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) ticket. 


Raila Odinga Azimio la Umoja Citizen TV Citizen Digital Firimbi Movement

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