Where is Raila Odinga? Questions as whereabouts of Azimio leader remain unclear

Where is Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition party leader Raila Odinga?

A wave of speculation hit social media on Wednesday after the Azimio leader uncharacteristically skipped the anti-government protests.

The opposition chief, who on Monday announced on his Twitter handle that the three-day protests will kick off on Wednesday, was nowhere to be seen as his supporters poured to the streets to take part in the demonstrations.

A spot check by Citizen TV at his Karen home found no single police barricade. When we went to his offices in Capitol Hill and at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Foundation, the offices were deserted.

The last time Odinga was seen in public was last Wednesday when he led Azimio leaders in a press conference to protest the killing of over ten protestors in Mlolongo, Migori and Kisumu.

After Wednesday last week, Odinga went under, with his close allies reporting that the Azimio luminary flew to the Coastal city of Mombasa and later spent his weekend at the Vipingo Ridges of Kilifi County.

Odinga then jetted back to the county on Monday and joined the Azimio Parliamentary group meeting for a closed-door session.

It is on that Monday that the State withdrew all his assigned security personnel, affecting his guards and his homes in Karen, Kisumu and Bondo.

On Tuesday, the Azimio principals held a meeting at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Foundation but, again, Odinga was absent in the meeting, with Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua saying the Azimio boss was handling other engagements elsewhere.

It was expected that Odinga would resurface on Wednesday to join the three-day wave of protests, but he never showed up.

Begging the question, where is Raila Odinga?


Raila Odinga Protests Azimio

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