Colic: What causes non-stop crying in babies?

Babies cry to communicate, especially when they are wet,
hungry, frightened, ill or uncomfortable. It is their only way of communicating
until when they utter their first words.
For many mothers, having a child cry nonstop after you have
seemingly catered for all their needs can be overwhelming, especially for first-time mothers. Most mothers tend to watch helplessly as their babies cry in
You will often hear the term Colic used when a baby cries
endlessly but what is Colic?
Colicky crying differs from ordinary crying in that these
otherwise healthy babies cry for no obvious reason and remain inconsolable for
hours on end. The crying often begins in the evening.
About one-fifth of all babies develop colic, usually around
the second to fourth week of life.
It can be described as bawling for more than three hours
every day, for at least three days a week, for at least three weeks.
A normal cry does not last more than two hours a day
collectively. In addition, the baby is consolable, unlike a baby who has colic.
Colic usually starts when babies are two weeks old if they're
full-term, or later if they're born prematurely. It often gets worse between four and six weeks old. As many as one in four new babies have it.
Experts say studies have shown that although the real cause
of colic in newborns is not quite definitive, it is believed that it is a
digestion problem and that the baby may not be digesting the milk properly.
Some children might have food allergy or sensitivity that might cause colic.
Some foods that the mother eats may cause gas and
constipation in the baby through breast milk and may then cause colic in the
baby. A child can also experience a
sharp pain in the abdomen caused by an obstruction in the intestine.
Colicky children often experience inconsolable crying
despite your efforts to soothe them -- loud crying episodes that start and end
suddenly. A colicky child may also clench her fingers, arch her back and try
to pass gas as he cries.
Experts note that Colic in most cases is not preventable and
no one knows exactly what causes it is not well understood.
Experts advise parents to make sure their baby is upright and
has a good latch on the breast while breastfeeding. If your child is colicky, try feeding them less, this will give the stomach time to digest.
The symptoms of colic get better on their own but it is also important to change their position often. Making some changes to your own diet if you breastfeed may help relieve symptoms of fussiness associated with feeding.
Some breastfeeding mothers have found success by removing stimulants
like caffeine and chocolate from their diet. Avoiding those foods while
breastfeeding may also help.
Being a parent to a newborn is hands-on work. Although it can be overwhelming, colic is
usually not a cause for concern it is important to seek medical assistance when
your child has a high fever, is vomiting or has changes in the stool and pale
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